First Things First – Hello!

Hello there!

So first things first, welcome to my blog 🙂

I guess I should introduce myself here – I am in my mid-twenties (argh! How did that happen?!) and I live in the Midlands in England. My current car is a much loved and *slightly* abused silver Fiesta, aka. Rolo.

I set up this blog thinking that maybe there are a few other people like myself who are not 100% confident behind the wheel and hopefully to spread some love, positivity and laughs around those who don’t believe they were Stirling Moss in a previous life. Sometimes it’s nice to feel you’re not the only one, right?.. hello?

So, backstory in a nutshell. I didn’t start driving at 17 like most people I was at school with. I love cars (not an engineering-type but I like ’em anyway) but never felt too bothered about driving at that point. Fast forward to being 19 and deciding to have a go at it. 5-6 lessons later and I swore I’d never get behind the wheel again – that’s how well it went. It became a topic which could not be discussed with me. A few years on, and I tried again – with similarly disastrous results.

That brings us up to two summers ago when I decided to move back to the Midlands having lived in London for a few years (joys of London – no need for a car with the magic of the Tube). Despite endless nerves, panics, swearing, crying and whatever else, I found a new instructor and passed my test last summer.

Happy ending, right? As some well-meaning, but, at the time, panic-inducing friends told me – you only learn half in lessons, the rest you learn after your test. That brings me to this blog – hopefully as a place to share experiences, positivity and maybe a giggle or two.

V x