First Things First – Hello!

Hello there!

So first things first, welcome to my blog 🙂

I guess I should introduce myself here – I am in my mid-twenties (argh! How did that happen?!) and I live in the Midlands in England. My current car is a much loved and *slightly* abused silver Fiesta, aka. Rolo.

I set up this blog thinking that maybe there are a few other people like myself who are not 100% confident behind the wheel and hopefully to spread some love, positivity and laughs around those who don’t believe they were Stirling Moss in a previous life. Sometimes it’s nice to feel you’re not the only one, right?.. hello?

So, backstory in a nutshell. I didn’t start driving at 17 like most people I was at school with. I love cars (not an engineering-type but I like ’em anyway) but never felt too bothered about driving at that point. Fast forward to being 19 and deciding to have a go at it. 5-6 lessons later and I swore I’d never get behind the wheel again – that’s how well it went. It became a topic which could not be discussed with me. A few years on, and I tried again – with similarly disastrous results.

That brings us up to two summers ago when I decided to move back to the Midlands having lived in London for a few years (joys of London – no need for a car with the magic of the Tube). Despite endless nerves, panics, swearing, crying and whatever else, I found a new instructor and passed my test last summer.

Happy ending, right? As some well-meaning, but, at the time, panic-inducing friends told me – you only learn half in lessons, the rest you learn after your test. That brings me to this blog – hopefully as a place to share experiences, positivity and maybe a giggle or two.

V x

7 thoughts on “First Things First – Hello!

  1. Ah, Best wishes in your driving journey. I can absolutely relate to the title of this blog and had to come check it out because I am quite the anxious driver. Passing my permit happened so quickly but to this day, I still do not have my license…unfortunately & sometimes, I feel pitifully. I feel as time goes, the necessity for me to have a car is pale in comparison to just the necessity to have a license! Not for the materialistic gain but a personal gain by overcoming fear.

    ~ Bre


    1. Aw thank you 😊 I know how you feel! I eventually passed my driving test last Summer to get my license but it took me years and years to get there. All the best in your driving journey too! And thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment 😊 V

      Liked by 1 person

      1. No problem, thank you! It seems that the people around me think that I can just go to the MVD and take it but I , too, think it is just going to take more time than that.

        Have a blessed day~
        ~ Bre

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Ahh another one who knows how you feel! I too didn’t start taking driving lessons until I was 19… 1.5 years later I finally passed my test 😂 my first car I purchased was a little clio 1.2 with an (unknown) clutch problem. which aided my fears when I couldn’t actually accelerate up a hill lol. I feel your pain xx


      1. Haha yes you too!! Yeah £500 later, that car cost me more in the 2 years I had it than I bought it for!!! I’ve recently moved in with my boyfriend so we are sharing his car now. I know yeah! Haha. Imagine foot full down on accelerate and you’re just not moving!!! Lol x


      2. Ouch! That’s a painful bill for putting it all right! Haha at least you can use his – hopefully it’s a little less troublesome to you both! I must admit I was close to it the other day driving in the Peak District – my engine wasn’t made for Ashbourne Hill! 😄🙈 All the best with your driving in the future! V x


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